It is important for me to say that not all children of the DYP end up on the streets. This image is overly portrayed by the media. When you’re a foster child, all you hear is that you won’t get very far in life. And by hearing it repeated over and over again, we begin to believe it.
The transition to independent living as young adults is a pivotal period for the young people of the DYP.
The Foundation plays an essential role in preparing them for their transition, which is made more difficult as they often lack adequate family support to take this new step. Beginning in adolescence, the Foundation encourages youths to begin creating goals for themselves and developing their autonomy. The initiatives and workshops offered allow young people to acquire new skills. These initiatives are specifically adapted to the life path of each young person and their unique needs.
Concretely, they learn to develop a sense of daily organization and can envision a future for themselves that enables them to take their place in society. Young adults who, without the help of the Foundation, would have to sacrifice their education to get a job.
During the pandemic, the Foundation increased the assistance provided to young people on their way to adulthood by 98% in order to promote their success.
In Quebec, 1 in 4 youths transitioning to independent living have received support from the Fondation
Transitioning Towards an Autonomous Life Program in action :
- Financial assistance to pursue post-secondary studies
- Workshops to prepare for adult life
- Distribution of apartment kits: refurbished cell phone, telephone plan, grocery store gift cards
- Integration into an internship for an initial enriching professional experience
- Access to a temporary apartment
- Residential stability assistance: gift cards for groceries, payment of rent in the event of loss of employment, monthly allowances for the first months of living alone
The Foundation also helps young people who have no other sources of financial support
Some funded projets
Help in Montreal and elsewhere in Quebec
Since 2022, the Fondation has been providing financial support to various organizations in several regions across Quebec. Funding major projects allows us to help youths aged 16 to 25 in the care of the DYP as they transition to independence and adulthood. The initiative is intended to help the Fondation greatly enhance the assistance it offers to youths in care by expanding its reach across the province.
Data from the Foundation’s 2021-2023 impact report