Making a donation to the Foundation means contributing directly to the development and wellbeing of young people in the DYP.
The young people of the DYP have faced many challenges during their young lives, often marked by suffering and abandonment. Day after day, they strive to heal wounds and traumas that no young person should ever have to carry with them. The quest for stability and then for autonomy are the major challenges facing these young people. They are often without a family structure or a solid social safety net to support them. Their needs are numerous and often complex …
For each young person in the care of the DYP, the state allocates an amount that covers basic needs. However, to acquire the means and develop the confidence they need to take their place in society, young people need much more support, specifically adapted to their own reality.
The Foundation finances what would usually be taken in hand by parents of family. Thanks to its six programs, the Foundation acts in tandem for the benefict of young people in vulnerable situations.
The Foundation’s donors and partners have a direct impact on the development and success of the most vulnerable young people in our society. Thanks to their generosity, the projects put in place make it possible to rebuild and solidify the benchmarks of a more reassuring and secure daily life.