Terms of use


In compliance with An Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information (commonly known Act 25), we are contacting you today to confirm that you consent to the Fondation des jeunes de la DPJ using your personal information to inform you of events, ask you to donate or volunteer to support our cause, provide updates, and thank you or recognize your contribution. We understand that you also consent to the Fondation des jeunes de la DPJ collecting, disclosing, communicating, and sharing previously obtained personal information with third parties to perform the above actions, as well as to the Fondation entering into privacy agreements with such third parties.

For a description of all of our data privacy practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

You can withdraw your consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information at any time. You can also submit access or correction requests by contacting our Privacy Officer:

Fabienne Audette, Chief Executive Officer
Fondation des jeunes de la DPJ
9335, rue Saint-Hubert, Montréal, QC, H2M 1Y7
confidentialite@fjdpj.ca | 514 593-2676

Upon written request, we can provide you with the following information:

  • Personal information we have collected
  • Categories of individuals who have access to that information within the organization
  • The length of time that your information is kept by the Fondation


All texts, images, photographs, videos, and information available on the website are the property of the Fondation des jeunes de la DPJ and are protected by Canadian law. Any reproduction, distribution, use, and dissemination of this content without authorization from the Fondation des jeunes de la DPJ is prohibited.