Awards Gala – Celebrating small wins, big wins, and everything in between

June 5, 2024

Julie, a college graduate whose achievement was recognized at the Gala, and Anaïs Favron, Fondation spokesperson and Gala host

On May 30, the Fondation des jeunes de la DPJ hosted its Awards Gala at Collège Jean-Eudes to recognize youths in the care of the DYP for their strong dedication and commitment to their academic pursuits. The event, organized in partnership with the CCSMTL Youth Program Branch, marked a proud moment for all 326 youths who were rewarded for their efforts, shining a spotlight on the hard work they put into their studies every day and reminding them that they have a network of supporters out there who believe they can succeed.

Showcasing perseverance in all its forms

Incentive scholarships were awarded in various categories to reward students who had successfully completed their elementary, high school, college or university education, celebrating their perseverance and commitment to staying in school.

It’s important to celebrate degrees and major milestones. But it’s the countless small efforts students make every day that get them there. That’s why the Fondation wanted to offer scholarships recognizing those day-to-day efforts in addition to scholarships rewarding academic achievement.

Fabienne Audette
Managing Director, Fondation des jeunes de la DPJ

A total of 174 scholarships went to graduating students, while 138 celebrated perseverance and academic efforts, reminding everyone that every move counts when it comes to building the future of our dreams. Once again this year, in addition to those two categories of scholarships, a dozen other scholarships were awarded to recognize students across all academic levels for demonstrating exceptional determination and resilience despite the unique challenges they faced along their journeys.

Moments like this are all about celebrating hard work and success. I still remember the events that marked the end of elementary school and high school, and I know that the young people attending the Gala are going to remember this night their whole lives. It’s important to keep pushing forward and always remember that anything is possible!

Jason Champagne
Youth Program Director, CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Thank you for supporting youths in the care of the DYP

A big thank you to everyone who helped put this Gala together. Thank you to Anaïs Favron, the Fondation’s spokesperson, for taking on the role of host with the same passion as always, and thank you to Collège Jean-Eudes for kindly letting us use their wonderful auditorium for the event. Thank you also to the Gala organizers: Josée Duranleau, Johanne Baril, Céline Robitaille, Jean Paiement, Josée Langlais, and François-Xavier de Tilly-Dion. And thank you to the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada for providing financial support through the Scotiabank Stay in School program to help fund many of the scholarships presented at the Gala.

Congratulations to all youths for staying in school and working hard throughout the year to build a brighter future for themselves one day at a time. Well done!

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