Help in Montreal and elsewhere in Quebec
Transitioning to adulthood is a critical point in the lives of youths in care. It is a challenging time where youths in care often lack proper family support or a social safety net to help them navigate their new situation. We are committed to meeting the most pressing needs of youths in care in Montreal and other regions of Quebec.
If you are an organization or a foundation that supports youths who are or have been subject to the Youth Protection Act, including children in the care of the DYP or subject to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, and you would like to receive funding, please send us your proposal.
The funds provided under this program are intended for youths aged 16 to 25 who are or were in youth protection and have received support in becoming independent and transitioning to adulthood. By funding various initiatives, we are giving youths the opportunity to access additional support while enhancing the services available in their regions based on their specific needs.
We have $300,000 available in funding, making it possible to support 6 to 12 proposals. Projects will be selected based on merit and focus areas.
To submit your proposal
The application period runs from February 7 to April 21, 2023. Click here to complete the form. Please send us a letter informing us of your plan to submit a project as soon as possible.
We plan to contact selected applicants to inform them of our decisions starting June 5, 2023.
You can apply for funding to cover the cost of your project in whole or in part. The funds will be released on condition that they be used only for the purposes specified in the proposal that you have submitted and that has been approved by the Allocations Committee.
Eligibility criteria
– A non-profit organization or a social economy business.
-An exception is made for government agencies that work together with community organizations.
Selection process
The Allocations Committee will review all proposals submitted to the Fondation during the month of May. Successful applicants will be contacted by mid-June. The first payments will start rolling out as of July 1, 2023.
To learn more, please email Geneviève Gagnon, Director of Programs, Impact and Community Relations: